Biota-Sediment Accumulation Factor Database

US Army Corps of Engineers ERDC Dredging Operations Technical Support


Source: Leung SY, CK Kwok, XP Nie, KC Cheung, MH Wong. 2010. Risk assessment of residual DDTs in freshwater and marine fish cultivated around the Pearl River Delta, China. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 58:415-430.

Study aim: "The major objectives of this study were to (1) compare the concentrations of DDTs in muscles of freshwater fish and marine fish and in fish feed and sediment collected from different locations in the Pearl River Delta, (2) correlate concentrations of DDTs in sediment and feed with fish muscle, and (3) investigate the differences in bioaccumulation of DDTs in freshwater fish and marine fish in relation to fish feed."

Genus Species analyte Study Lipid % ug/kg lipid TOC % ug/kg TOC BSAFR BSAFC Tissue Moisture Sediment Sediment Locale Subdivision, Country Chemical Spiked EXP duration Source; Station Note CAS Reference DOI exit
Tilapia mossambicus DDTs (total) Field 9.4 N/R N/R N/R 24.1 -- muscle wet/dry (organism/sediment) Natural Polyculture ponds Guangdong, China No N/A Table 7 Fish ponds in Pearl River Delta, Zhongshan N/A BSAF2941 Google Scholar
Clarias fuscus DDTs (total) Field 22.7 N/R N/R N/R 8.09 -- muscle wet/dry (organism/sediment) Natural Polyculture ponds Guangdong, China No N/A Table 7 Fish ponds in Pearl River Delta, Zhongshan N/A BSAF2941 Google Scholar