Biota-Sediment Accumulation Factor Database

US Army Corps of Engineers ERDC Dredging Operations Technical Support


Source: Meador JP, CA Krone, DW Dyer, U Varanasi. 1997. Toxicity of sediment-associated tributyltin to infaunal invertebrates: Species comparison and the role of organic carbon. Marine Environmental Research 43:219-241.

Study aim: "This study was designed to assess and compare the responses of selected benthic infauna to sediment containing tributyltin and to examine the effects of sediment organic carbon on the control of toxicant exposure. We were also interested in determining the major route of TBT uptake and therefore tested species with different modes of feeding for comparison. We tested the amphipods Rhepoxynius abronius (meiofaunal predator) and Eohaustorius washingtonianus (detritivore), and a polychaete, Armandia brevis (nonselective deposit feeder)."

Genus Species analyte Study Lipid % ug/kg lipid TOC % ug/kg TOC BSAFR BSAFC Tissue Moisture Sediment Sediment Locale Subdivision, Country Chemical Spiked EXP duration Source; Station Note CAS Reference DOI exit
Armandia brevis Tributyltin chloride Lab N/I N/R N/I N/R 2.3 -- whole body dry (organism/sediment) Amended West Beach Washington, United States of America Yes 10 d N/I BAFloc is BSAF 1461-22-9 BSAF2850 Google Scholar
Eohaustorius estuarius Tributyltin chloride Lab N/I N/R N/I N/R 4.6 -- whole body dry (organism/sediment) Amended West Beach Washington, United States of America Yes 41 d N/I BAFloc is BSAF 1461-22-9 BSAF2850 Google Scholar
Rhepoxynius abronius Tributyltin chloride Lab N/I N/R N/I N/R 0.41 -- whole body dry (organism/sediment) Amended West Beach Washington, United States of America Yes 10 d N/I BAFloc is BSAF 1461-22-9 BSAF2850 Google Scholar