Biota-Sediment Accumulation Factor Database

US Army Corps of Engineers ERDC Dredging Operations Technical Support


Source: Klosterhaus SL, LM DiPinto, GT Chandler. 2003. A comparative assessment of azinphosmethyl bioaccumulation and toxicity in two estuarine meiobenthic harpacticoid copepods. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 22:2861-2871.

Study aim: "Aqueous, pore-water, and whole-sediment bioassays were conducted with meiobenthic copepods with different infaunal lifestyles to assess the acute and chronic toxicity of the organophosphorous pesticide azinphosmethyl (APM) and its bioaccumulation potential in sediments."

Genus Species analyte Study Lipid % ug/kg lipid TOC % ug/kg TOC BSAFR BSAFC Tissue Moisture Sediment Sediment Locale Subdivision, Country Chemical Spiked EXP duration Source; Station Note CAS Reference DOI exit
Sarsamphiascus tenuiremis Azinphos-methyl Lab 2.2 57700 3.84 2160 26.8 26.71 whole body dry (organism/sediment) Natural Bread and Butter Creek South Carolina, United States of America Yes 4 d Table 3 12:12 L:D; artifical seawater; lipid content determined years after experiment 86-50-0 BSAF2785 Google Scholar
Microarthridion littorale Azinphos-methyl Lab 5.6 72800 3.85 33140 2.2 2.2 whole body dry (organism/sediment) Natural Bread and Butter Creek South Carolina, United States of America Yes 4 d Table 3 12:12 L:D; artifical seawater; lipid content determined years after experiment 86-50-0 BSAF2785 Google Scholar