Biota-Sediment Accumulation Factor Database

US Army Corps of Engineers ERDC Dredging Operations Technical Support


Source: Stronkhorst J, B Van Hattum, T Bowmer. 1999. Bioaccumulation and toxicity of tributyltin to a burrowing heart urchinand an amphipod in spiked, silty marine sediments. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 18:2343-2351.

Study aim: "The bioaccumulation kinetics and toxicity of TBT in the deposit—feeding heart urchin Echinocardium cordatum was studied in silty sediment spiked with TBT and equilibrated prior to the 28-d exposure. An additional 10-d acute toxicity test was carried out with the burrowing amphipod Corophium volutator in the same sediment."

Genus Species analyte Study Lipid % ug/kg lipid TOC % ug/kg TOC BSAFR BSAFC Tissue Moisture Sediment Sediment Locale Subdivision, Country Chemical Spiked EXP duration Source; Station Note CAS Reference DOI exit
Echinocardium cordatum Tributyltin chloride Lab 0.27 214.8 1.8 1111.11 0.21 0.193 whole body dry (organism/sediment) Natural Rhine Estuary , Netherlands Yes 28 d Table 7; 20 (control) N/I 1461-22-9 BSAF2754 Google Scholar
Echinocardium cordatum Tributyltin chloride Lab 0.22 347 1.7 1411.76 0.21 0.246 whole body dry (organism/sediment) Natural Rhine Estuary , Netherlands Yes 28 d Table 7; 24 N/I 1461-22-9 BSAF2754 Google Scholar
Echinocardium cordatum Tributyltin chloride Lab 0.19 949.81 1.7 2705.88 0.19 0.351 whole body dry (organism/sediment) Natural Rhine Estuary , Netherlands Yes 28 d Table 7; 46 N/I 1461-22-9 BSAF2754 Google Scholar
Echinocardium cordatum Tributyltin chloride Lab 0.2 2302.8 1.8 9944.44 0.12 0.232 whole body dry (organism/sediment) Natural Rhine Estuary , Netherlands Yes 28 d Table 7; 179 N/I 1461-22-9 BSAF2754 Google Scholar
Echinocardium cordatum Tributyltin chloride Lab 0.2 5212.35 1.8 63555.56 0.05 0.082 whole body dry (organism/sediment) Natural Rhine Estuary , Netherlands Yes 28 d Table 7; 1144 N/I 1461-22-9 BSAF2754 Google Scholar
Echinocardium cordatum Tributyltin chloride Lab 0.34 10696.97 1.8 132388.89 0.09 0.081 whole body dry (organism/sediment) Natural Rhine Estuary , Netherlands Yes 28 d Table 7; 2383 N/I 1461-22-9 BSAF2754 Google Scholar
Echinocardium cordatum Tributyltin chloride Lab 0.38 43811.48 1.8 625333.33 0.09 0.07 whole body dry (organism/sediment) Natural Rhine Estuary , Netherlands Yes 28 d Table 7; 11256 N/I 1461-22-9 BSAF2754 Google Scholar