Source: McFarland VA, J Feldhaus, LN Ace, JM Brannon. 1994. Measuring the sediment/organism accumulation factor of PCB-52 using a kinetic model. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 52:699-705.
Study aim: "The purpose of this study was to test the ability of a three-compartment closed kinetic model to determine the AF for PCB-52 using a 5-d exposure. The exposure matrix involves suspended sediment and fish, rather than the usual deposited sediment and sediment-processing infaunal organisms. The model generates rate constants for intercompartmental transfer of the chemical, and an AF is calculated using these values."
Genus Species | analyte | Study | Lipid % | ug/kg lipid | TOC % | ug/kg TOC | BSAFR | BSAFC | Tissue | Moisture | Sediment | Sediment Locale | Subdivision, Country | Chemical Spiked | EXP duration | Source; Station | Note | CAS | Reference | DOI | exit |
Oryzias latipes | PCB 052 | Lab | 5.3 | N/R | 4 | N/R | 2.34 | -- | whole body | wet (organism/sediment) | Natural | Barataria Bay | Louisiana, United States of America | Yes | 5 d | pg702 | sdmnt suspended in flask w/mag stir bar; fish not fed | 35693-99-3 | BSAF2651 | | Google Scholar |